I’m thinking a lot these days about the subtle adjustments required to manage life on a new terrain. The more aware I am of the nuances of change and my ever deepening connection to the cosmic grid, the more firmly rooted in my physicality I feel. I imagine most of us are immersed in some quality of the unknown right now that has a personal resonance connected to our individual story. The necessary adjustments though have a common theme.
What I notice in the various and amazing stories I’m privileged to listen to in my readings and small group gatherings, is the prevailing motif of being called forth. It’s the pervasive and compelling storyline in my reality as well. It’s a collective hum of initiatory change that requires no special spiritual training. It just IS. There’s no differentiation, separation, exclusion or hierarchy in what’s being asked of us at this juncture in our evolutionary crossing.
As we embark on this final leg of the journey leading us through the current Mercury Retrograde (which begins today) into the seventh and last Pluto/Uranus square (on March 17th), there’s much for each of us to review. I’m seeing this time as a distinct opportunity to tune into my physical energetic system via my thoughts and perceptions, and recalibrate where necessary. Life itself provides the fundamental drama to bring to the surface any issues, impurities and imbalances which stand in the way of this reclamation process. All a good use of the mercury in Aquarius retrograde time period.
So this calling forth is in actuality nothing more than a Universal demand to show up – on our terms, in our own skin, living deeply from our Truth, throwing away the “rule” book and trusting our own innate instincts and integrity. And most of all, taking the risk to let go of the conditioned inhibitions that block us from our individual freedom - from not believing we have the right to live an exceptional expression of our authenticity. And by “our”, I don’t mean some agreed upon version of reality that we’re all following but rather as it relates to your original agreement to be in the body at this moment in time. Nobody gets to decide that but you – and that’s the unrelenting work of this cosmic jumping off point.
It’s worth it. I really and truly believe by following our Heart into the fire of transformation we will be collectively purified and prepared for whatever is next. I’m also so incredibly honored and blessed to share in the creation of the New Story with so many fellow travelers. Thank you for helping me get to this gateway moment with you. We’re not meant to do it alone.
Blessings & Great Love ~