When I embarked on the committed path of spiritual development in my early 20’s I had no idea what I was saying “yes” to. I didn’t know what I was seeking. There was just an ineffable, unnamable desire for something, anything that could tether me to the meaning of my existence.
In my earlier years, I spent my Taurus Sun, Sag Moon childhood riding my bike for hours on end to nowhere in particular, walking in the woods, roaming, following the sun, the light, the birdsong. Freedom was calling to me from every tree I climbed and creek I explored.
Towards the end of my senior year of high school, I had to present a persuasive 10-minute speech for my public speaking class final exam. I chose the topic of reincarnation and dove in with a passion that matched my ongoing quests for freedom.
The year was 1980.
No internet.
No google.
Just the library filled with a few random Edgar Cayce books and dusty references to other lives, other timelines. The possibility of multiple lives was a compelling view of reality equal to the long-range view from the top of my favorite tree.
I remember my high school teacher listening intently with a sardonic grin on his face for the entire 10 minutes while I did my best to convince my classmates the validity of having lived multiple lifetimes. My family had relocated to rural New Jersey for my last two years of high school from North Carolina by way of a 16-month detour in Baton Rouge. I’m not sure if he was captivated by the content or my southern accent, but I sure believed every word I said!
There are many gates to pass through. This was my first in conscious memory.
Ordinary life is the compass, the oracle, the passageway to the mystical path. This has been my journey of learning for 40+ years – since my 18-year-old Self discovered the possibility that consciousness travels through time and space, never ever abandoning us to a limited finite existence.
When my first astrology teacher appeared in my life in 1987, the magical mystery tour took off. I was already a year into personal exploration of the Oracle of Delphi epitaph “Know Thyself”, having helped start the Adult Children of Alcoholics movement in Savannah, Georgia in 1986 under the guidance of my first mentors.
This also began the constant stream of teachers, mentors, guides and spiritual companions who showed up, one after another, in all manner of guises. Ordinary humans cloaked in the wonderment of expression – from low to high, high to low, light and dark, and everything in between.
The lessons were endless.
The teachings profound.
The wisdom impactful.
Integration and integrity are foundational signatures that are the cornerstone of what I seek and apply to my everyday life. This teaching came through many, many lessons of discernment. Being impeccable with thought, word and deed was illuminated over and over and over through these contrast experiences.
Little did I know what lay ahead. Thankfully, I spent 2 years – from 2010 to 2012 – writing and documenting all the extraordinary other dimensional, non-physical, paranormal, mind-blowing healing experiences that infused my daily life. These began at age 33 and continue to this day, 27 years and counting.
They have also added layers of meaning to the ongoing consistent and grounded practices of healing my emotional, physiological, and spiritual wounding that comes with the choice to incarnate.
It’s a memoir in the making.
In addition, learning the language of astrology has been a primary daily spiritual practice since 1987. I’m obsessed, fascinated and eat, sleep and breathe this cosmic juice.
It’s not Kool aid, I promise!
It’s the elixir of divine context for our living, breathing heartbeat on this beautiful planet.
What I’ve experienced from spending close to 13,000 days in a row of honing pattern recognition, expanding my consciousness through developing new neural pathways, and always, always living the questions is an unshakeable understanding of how paramount self-awareness is for evolution.
The medicine of the stars and earth has combined over these many years into a unique form of galactic shamanic healing and transformation. The origin of shamanism is not of this earthly realm and these mystery teachings are available should any of us choose to enter the gateway and receive.
This medicine is not prescriptive.
Its coherence for healing is derived through trust, faith, willingness, courage, allowing and acceptance. It also requires a simultaneous dive into discomfort, fear, doubt, anxiety and all manner of emotional narratives that keep us small or invisible, or chained to the patriarchal conditioned illusion of safety and security.
It’s a process for sure and nobody has the rule book for this kind of adventure.
My journey of personal growth and healing has certainly had astrological wisdom as a fundamental tool for deep discovery. Based on my own natal blueprint, I have no doubt that I’ve had many lifetimes as an astrologer and my remembrance of this sacred art has served me well.
The path forward has also had its challenges.
Big ones.
These are existential in nature as part of my quest for meaning, personal to me as they relate to my own self doubt or drop into mindsets embedded in my karmic story. I’m not a play by the rules, follow the crowd kind of person and this outlier way of life takes time to be seen, expressed and experienced as a great gift.
What I’ve come to know as true for me is that I’m so much more than an astrologer. My version of reality is directly linked to the context I find in dialogue with the planetary beings. One can’t help but to be changed on a molecular level when in constant contact with divinity.
The astrological blueprint is central to my work. It is a potent access point to travel through and stand at the intersection of heaven and earth – a Kairos moment of phenomenal potential for healing – through all time.
This isn’t a theory or an idea or a fabricated story. It’s how I’ve lived through direct experience for decades, how I’ve come to understand the meaning of my existence, how I’ve healed, reconciled my core wounds, trauma and illusory beliefs of “the way life should be.”
It’s how I’ve found my joy, inner peace, well-being, health and sense of personal destiny – in tandem with challenges, strife, unexpected change, loss, grief – every aspect of reality that all of us encounter no matter who we are.
This legacy offering has been lifetimes in development. I’ve diligently walked a meandering path of self-discovery until I found myself in late 2021 standing in Kairos time where divinity meets humanity at the crossroads of choice.
Life has patiently waited for me to find my way to yet another Gateway on my own mystical path. It feels like a chorus of angels and planetary beings, galactic shamans, ancestors – past and future, and all versions of me who have ever lived – through all lifetimes, all Universes and all dimensions, waiting to greet me as I greet you on your travels through time.