Program Outline

Sessions 1 & 2: Intuitive Astrology Guidance with your Natal Blueprint 

  • Identify areas of growth, potential & needs for expanded self-awareness

  • Interpret Past Live themes thru a current lens to create more awareness for resolution

  • Physical health/Spiritual healing – the mind/body connection & cellular memory

  • Validate other ways of knowing unique to your blueprint & develop greater trust in the unseen

  • Highlight gifts/healing to bring through the Gateway & recognize habits, conditioning & outdated operating systems/beliefs no longer in alignment to move you forward

  • Reframe perception & deepen understanding of time, space & the soul’s commitment to BE HERE NOW

Session 3: Earth – Elemental Wisdom & Mastery of the Physical

This session will focus on the interface between the archetypal energies of Earth signs and houses in the natal chart. We’ll identify optimal ways to work with these energies in order to strengthen and align to foundational shifts, in service to the creation of new inner templates. Together, we will design daily rituals to enhance qualities of deep listening so the body’s inherent wisdom can be heard. 

Session 4:  Saturn – Befriending the Karmic Taskmaster

  • Develop your relationship w/mastery, commitment & time 

  • Learn how Saturn’s ‘tests of maturity’ are essential to the development of lived wisdom and confidence in your own inner authority

  • Excavate conditioned reflexes – cultural, familial, patriarchal – that keep you stuck in doubt, fear, judgment or insecurity

  • Track Saturn transits to understand areas of upgrade, skill development, integration & responsibility

  • Access real time nuts & bolts inspiration for practical next steps

Session 5: Water – Elemental Wisdom & Mastery of Emotions

This session will focus on the interface between the archetypal energies of Water signs and houses in the natal chart.  As we swim in the liminal ocean of emotions, feelings, memories and grief, a more compassionate understanding of the inner landscape can be accessed. Being attentive to discomfort and adaptive behaviors will reflect where healing is needed.  Together, we will create practices of self-acceptance that support enhanced receptivity to the higher realms through intuitive dialogue.

Session 6: Chiron – Healer, Heal Thyself

  • Learn about the myth, magic and symbolism of this archetypal influence 

  • Embrace the liminal timeline of healing – ancestral, generational, and current through identifying core wound themes

  • Recognize the pain and necessary healing of our deeply personal human experience in relation to our inherent divinity

  • Determine what healing looks like for you as a lifetime journey

  • Discover where you are a maverick, a role model, a change agent and uniquely gifted to offer your Self to the world

  • Identify the potential for transcendence and the gifts that ultimately emerge out of our suffering. 

Session 7: Air – Elemental Wisdom & Mastery of Mind

This session will focus on the archetypal energies of Air signs and houses in the natal chart. Ideas, beliefs, narratives, mental constructs of duality and overreaching control will be examined to identify which of these areas needs review and upgrade. Together, we will discern where to reframe perspectives for a more balanced experience of acceptance and inner harmony, learning to be in “what is” with greater ease.

Session 8: Uranus – Sky God, Great Awakener, Outlier, Genius

  • Enter the New Paradigm through a quantum leap and see where relocations in time and space are bringing you into the future of the ever present NOW

  • Dialogue with the Mind of God to recalibrate to greater Intuitive Knowing

  • Gain clarity around what Uranian energy surges signify as part of the catalytic impulse of the Soul to evolve

  • Discover where you belong to the whole & begin to heal themes of separation

  • Look at current Uranus transits for revelatory insight regarding areas of crisis, chaos, change and explore what liberation looks like for you – through all time

  • Learn how to stabilize the physical body and align to this higher current of energy

Session 9: Fire – Elemental Wisdom & Mastery of Action

This session will focus on the archetypal energy of the Fire signs and houses in the natal chart. Passion, wonder, instinct and creative inquiry are the fuel for designing a life you Love. In understanding that there is only this moment, this energy can be harnessed for the spiritual alchemy of creation in vertical alignment to Source. Together, we will develop practices that fan the flame of your heart’s desire to initiate forward momentum.

Session 10: Pluto – Karmic themes, Alchemy & the Right Use of Power

  • Enter the vault of the Soul and meet the Gatekeeper

  • Identify karmic themes of soul wounding through all time

  • Work more consciously with the medicine of transformation 

  • Understand Pluto’s alchemical process to move you from the Love of Power to the Power of Love

  • Work with the evolutionary cycles of Pluto transits for deeper psycho-spiritual shifts

Session 11:  Beings of Light, Guides, Angels & Learning to Listen

  • Recognize who’s talking and release fear 

  • Heighten trust in the unseen and lean into non-physical reality

  • Identify ways of knowing that come naturally to you

  • Affirm personal experiences unique to you in connection to other dimensions

Session 12: Q & A

This session will focus on any questions that have arisen through our work together. Anything needing further clarification or development around specific areas of interest can be addressed at this time.

Session 13: Synthesis, Gratitude & Moving into Grace

  • Intuitive development as a daily practice

  • Soul Speak as your 2nd language – becoming fluent

  • Become an advocate for the validity and truth of intuitive knowing

  • Living into direct experience as embodied wisdom

Session 14: Wild Card Reading

Let’s pause & explore the garden of your Soul to see how life is now showing up and showing you the way. This work has its own trajectory as our exploration of the Mystery deepens. In this session, we will look at emergent growth and where you need gentle support to strengthen new roots and nourish new shoots

Session 15: Dowsing for Spiritual Guidance & Intuitive Development

  • Learn how to frame questions when using a pendulum or dowsing rods

  • Learn how to refine your questions for greater clarity, accuracy and trust

  • Learn how to interpret the guidance through the question process & discern where to adjust your questions

  • Learn how Spirit/Source/Higher Self communicates nuanced information and learn how to get out of the way to receive it with greater understanding

  • Learn how to trust the seeming paradox of certain info to understand the Guidance from Spirit’s point of view

  • Learn how to reframe your perspective of time or timing with regards to the ever present now and strengthen intuitive awareness and trust when making decisions

  • This process is a profound experience that will create a more direct relationship with Guidance and thus, develop your consciousness through dialogue with the Mystery

Session 16: Practicing the Questions

We will work together with specific issues to give you an experiential practicum in dowsing and the question process.

Session 17: Entering the Unknown – Trust your Inner Compass

We will bring all the elemental wisdom together in order to cross the threshold from the Known to the Great Unknown. 

Issues of attachment, control, expectation, insecurity or fear, in relation to any theme currently showing up, can be gently unpacked to lighten the load for this next adventure. 

Much like the Fool in the tarot, the desire is to leave the past behind and trust your intuition.

Session 18: Soul Speak – Trust in Action

In this session, you will have the opportunity to serendipitously see what arises as we both show up fully open to receive the guidance, insight and wisdom in alignment to the NOW moment we find ourselves in. 

I will bring us into this conduit of Divine Knowing through prayer, ritual and intention as you expand further into timeless spaciousness. 

This is a practice in Presence without expectation.

Session 19: Wild Card Reading

We will gather the emerging pieces of the Sacred Vision awakening within you. 

What is your True Sight showing you about the path ahead? This sacred terrain, the mystical path you are co-creating with Spirit, is the totality of life itself. 

We will explore themes of hope, possibility, truth and freedom as you live deeper into this vision, bringing forth aspects of your true nature now ready to express as LOVE.

Session 20: Saturn as a Spirit Guide

The Mystical Path has certain real time requirements that can’t be bypassed. To truly live a more untethered existence, free of conditioned responses to dissolving historical norms, we need anchors to bring forth our new creative expression. 

The practical reality of your Sacred Vision is an organic work in progress with each divine inspiration leading to the next inspired action. Inevitably, this process will bring you face to face with old fear, insecurity, doubt, judgement, stuff you thought you were “done” with and more.

We will explore next steps, right timing and empowered commitment as what is coming to Light illuminates your way ahead. Saturn’s great gift is one of grounded confidence and unshakeable security in your ability to navigate higher realms.

Session 21: The Oracle of Daily Life

This session will deepen your ability to recognize, interpret and translate the symbolic language of your Soul, Higher Self, Source, God, Creator. How we name this expression of Divine Love or Infinite Wisdom is not nearly as important as how we experience it. 

When we become adept at receiving communication from the multiverse, we have access to higher states of consciousness, direct contact with the Divine and incredible shifts in awareness. 

This translates to what I call, “molecular magic” – a state of being where you feel cellularly rearranged into flow, inner peace and ultimately, far more security than you could ever imagine.

Session 22: Beyond the Beyond – What Now?

Let’s stand in the Mystery together, knee deep in what is arising, and see what wants to be revealed. Bring your experiences, questions, epiphanies, new developments and we’ll explore together what it all means from where you are NOW.

Session 23: Kairos – Meeting at the Crossroads of Heaven & Earth

In our session work with one another, we have woven strands of Chronos (Saturn) time with Kairos time – eternal, limitless, and ineffable. 

The Greeks referred to Kairos as “the right, critical, or opportune moment.” It is the time of the gods and the celestial beings meeting us at the intersection of past and future, often a point of no return.

It is much like the ouroboros, the snake who holds its own tail in its mouth representing the truth that every ending is a new beginning, and every beginning was birthed out of some other ending.

We will explore this concept in depth to enhance your skill with recognizing Kairos time as a sacred crossroads. New choices must be made when these moments occur.

Session 24: Entering the Gateway

We will close the Sacred Container of our time together with a ritual or ceremony to acknowledge the Great Work you have undertaken. 

This will be a moment of shared joy, reflection, questions, and gratitude in celebration of further travels into the Mystery and explorations of higher consciousness. 

The Oracle of Delphi inscription “Know Thyself” is essential to living the Mystical Path from a place of high integrity and Great Love. This is true freedom in every sense of the word.