Writing about beliefs is definitely not easy. The mind wants to interfere with what it thinks, what it believes and frame this essay with concrete parameters according to the dictates of various preconceived notions. Maybe that’s where we need to start. Identify what a belief actually is and go from there. Here’s a perspective from my version of reality…
The Potentiality of Stillness
Last night I dreamed of a praying mantis with large yellow wings. It landed on my right shoulder as if it wanted to whisper a message from the subtle realms of my sleeping mind. The lore of this delicate creature speaks of meditation, contemplation, dreams and the ultimate silence - death. It also speaks of the space between the dimensions – a place I am deeply familiar with and a parallel reality that exists in between our linear concept of time.
The Promise of Change
I’ve been doing a lot, and I mean A LOT, of navel pondering as of late. I’m so completely fascinated and astounded by the depth and quality of change infused in each of our stories. I’m certainly no exception when it comes to accepting greater responsibility for core beliefs that just will NOT let me function in the same old way. The need for constant evaluation and re-evaluation of my motives, desires, goals and attachment to suffering as it connects to unconscious fears and limiting modes of expression is a pretty damn near unrelenting daily practice.
“Seeking love as the means of balancing your life.” This phrase accompanied my daily oracle – a card pulled with the intention to help clarify the phenomenal energy sweeping through my life, our lives, stirring up debris with the force of an Oz like cyclone. I feel so fortunate to ride in the center of the storm with many others as we join together in a deeper cooperative relationship between Gaia, the Earth, each other, and the Infinite wisdom of the Cosmos (aka God/Goddess/Source/Divine, etc.)
Panther Medicine
The week of the New Moon and Autumn Equinox provided quite the life laboratory to delve deeper into my own process. I serendipitously scheduled my most recent public talk right in between these two cyclic compass points. The magnetic pull of Pluto’s reinstated forward momentum also added a deep soul quality to the experience.
Seeking the Sun
I know we are still in the energy of the full moon and that illumination certainly remains potent in our field of consciousness. I had hoped to write something yesterday in the building peak of the rising Pisces moon. However, my own immersion in the etheric numinosity of Neptune’s (ruler of Pisces) divine rays kept me cloaked in a deep process. My work didn’t allow for a more public acknowledgement of the healing light associated with this particular lunation.
Yesterday’s Virgo New Moon was a day out of time for me. I allowed myself to sink deeper into the space between - that liminal moment where everything and nothing exist simultaneously. It was a quiet respite to reflect on the seeds of intention closest to my heart in this ever changing energy of release and momentum. I know we think of new moons as new beginnings and there is certainly truth in the simplicity of that thought. But what’s really got my attention right now is the growing awareness around the origination of specific “seeds” as they relate to our evolutionary process.
Best of WNC - Astrologer!!
Sending out a big hug and warm thank you for once again being voted one of Western North Carolina’s Best Astrologers. I appreciate the support of so many who continue to partner with me in this growing body of work. May we all be blessed with greater trust to move into our individual truths and the courage to share it in community with each other.
Full Moon Themes of Love & Liberation
Today’s full moon (Sun in Leo/Moon in Aquarius @ 18⁰) sends a beam of light to the areas in need of catalytic change and awakening. For me personally, the launch of this website reflects my passion (Leo) to expand my work more fully into the collective sphere of humanity (Aquarius). Without a doubt, I’m living a quality of freedom unknown to me in decades past – one that gives me permission from deep within to live my truth, publicly and proudly.